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Know Your Clients - KYC

The Loan performer KYC window allows a user to generate a report that filters clients in the existing database based on missing client information.

Note that:

1. Finance institutions need to capture as much information about their customers so that they can have a profile of the persons they are dealing with to ensure that they are genuine, reliable, not problematic and easily traceable using the information they provided.

2. Also as a risk mitigation strategy against criminals, terrorists, and blacklisted clients from other institutions like those failing the Credit Reference Bureau - CRB test.

3. Such information may include Client Identification like: Name, Date of birth, Address, Identification number and providing a means of verifying the information provided like Location of the clients, Occupation of the person, Type of business etc

4. The KYC tab provides a checklist of documents and requirements an LPF client ought/can to have without which the system can point out such clients at generation of a KYC report which can then be updated.

While Loan performer is able to capture much of client information at Client registration, some of it may be omitted.

How to use Know Your Clients - KYC feature

To to use Know Your Clients - KYC feature go to Clients/Clients' Reports/Know Your Clients - KYC. A screen like one below will appear:

Click the Close button to quit.

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